Saturday, December 10, 2011

Ean's Birthday take two!

Today was Ean's Birthday party. It was a Pokemon Party.
He had four extra friends over and we ate lunch and played games.
 The poke ball cup cakes
 Our first game was pin the button on the poke ball
The next game was my favorite. We had a picture of a pokemon at one end of the room on the floor. The kids blew up their poke balls (balloons) and had to let go. Who's ever "ball" was closest to the pokemon won. It was pretty funny seeing where the balloons would land.

 Our third game was find the pokemon. A version of Huckle buckle beanstock but with hiding a pokemon in plain sight. 
Gift Time
We ended with cup cakes and some soccer in the back yard. Ean had a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Love the cupcakes! I'm not good at that kind of stuff. I also love the balloon idea. Sounds like a hoot!
