Close to a month after the first chin incident we had an encore. Friday Kaytie was visiting and Garrett was on a kitchen chair.I turn around to find him on the tile floor on all fours wailing. I pick him up and hug him only to her Kaytie in the back ground say, "his chin Tricia." I pull away and see the blood flowing and my shirt covered in red stuff. I get him over to the sink where we stanch the flow with towels and soon the bleeding stops. I take a look at the wound and know this time steri-strips won't do the trick. Last time we had a shallow cut less than 1/2 inch. This one was an inch long and deeper. Thankfully KT was there. (These things always happen right before I have to pick up kids from school!) She stayed with the kids at home and I got kids from school and then I made several calls to arrange babysitting. (Have I mentioned I love my neighbors!!) Garrett and I then spent a good 2 1/2 to 3 hours at the instacare where they determined that yes, he needed stitches.
Garrett was a trooper. They put numbing gel on for 20 minutes and then the doctor got to work. After 3 stitches inside his chin he started on the outside stitches and at that point Garrett started to feel it and started to cry again. So they shot him with a bit of lidocaine and finished up. He received 7 more stitches on the out side. He did so well.
With 10 stitches in all he is my record holder for most stitches in this family, 4 out of 6 having had them. :) Hopefully no one beats that record.
After that we lavished him with lots of treats and today we go get the stitches out. Definitely a battle scar to tell the ladies about!
Ouch! Not fun!