Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas part 1

Being back in Oregon for Christmas we got to have one with each set of Grandparents along with our own, so there will be three blog post to get it all in. Our first gathering was on Christmas Eve with Aaron's family. About 30 of us piled into the Packard home and enjoyed our traditional breakfast feast (for supper) and opened presents from each other and grandparents.

It was a lot of fun seeing everyone (It just so happened Everyone was there!)

 Me and Tyger in a camera dual
 Micheal and Celeste
 Me and Dustin

 Stephie's cute family
 Mike's Family

 All of us!
 Dad reading the Christmas story from Luke in the Bible
 So stinking cute!
 Keeping busy
 Christina and her family

The Cousins

So good to see everyone! It was a lovely night.

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