Monday, January 2, 2012

Night in Bethlehem

 In early December, our ward Christmas party was "A Night in Bethlehem" You come dressed in biblical clothing and pay your taxes and then are given "money" or in our case "magic beans" to then buy items from several different shops.
 This was the gift shop where you could buy souvenirs of gold, frankincense and myrrh
 The toy shop was selling dreidels for all the kids
 Then there was a wood shop to buy a wood ornament. Along with the shops there was food stands and after dinner we got to watch nativity story unfold. It was a really great night.
 Aaron looking very biblical in his air bender hoodie.
Being on the organizing committee of this thing I really wanted to have a party the kids would remember. Something different from dinner and entertainment. And our ward has not done this before.The kids talked about it for days after. So glad it was a success.

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